Are You Looking For Support For Your Pregnancy In The Birmingham, Alabama Area?
A Personal Message From The Pregnancy Support Specialists At Magic City Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy:

- Have you experienced pain in your back, hips, and pelvis and are concerned that it will get worse during your pregnancy?
- Do you need help preparing your body for delivery so you can keep up with your other kids, get ready for the new baby, and stay active?
- Do you want to enjoy your pregnancy, and not have to worry about pain holding you back from social and physical activity?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions,
you are in the right place!
If you’re currently pregnant or dreaming about the day you get to deliver, we’re here to help you achieve your goals.
The aches and pains of your changing body don’t have to limit your lifestyle, they’re just a sign that you need a little extra help.
At Magic City Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, we understand the MASSIVE body changes that occur with pregnancy and beyond, and we’ve treated lots of women just like you!
There’s A Lot Of Bad Advice Out There For Moms To Be...
FALSE Beliefs…
- It’s “normal” to experience aches and pains during your pregnancy, especially during the 2nd and 3rd trimester as the baby gets bigger. That’s just part of being pregnant.
- The discomfort you’re feeling will go away after you “bounce back” from having your baby.
- Just “rest”. You shouldn’t overexert yourself with exercise or you might hurt the baby.
The TRUTH Is...
- Many women experience back, hip, and pelvic pain during pregnancy. Just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s normal and you need to suffer through it!
- Dealing with pain and discomfort does not need to be your cost of admission into motherhood!
- Just because your body is working hard to grow a new life doesn’t mean you can’t be active. Exercising through pregnancy has many benefits, including helping you feel strong and relieving some of those aches and pains.

When It Comes To Solving Something Serious Like Pain Or Discomfort During Pregnancy…
- You must choose the right provider who can guide you and your body through pregnancy and beyond.
- If you don’t, you might not have the energy to take care of your new baby or your family after birth.
- It’s possible to treat prenatal pain and discomfort naturally before it turns into a more serious problem. That’s the best way to live with less pain and discomfort so you can get back to being your radiant, confident self.
- To do that, you have to not just treat the pain but have a provider who is willing to figure out WHY the pain happened in the first place.
At Magic City Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy We’ve Created A 3 Step Process To Help You Live With Less Pain And Discomfort So You Can Get Back To Being Your Radiant, Confident Self:

Look At The Whole Picture, Not Just Where It Hurts
Getting the help you need for your health issues can be exhausting. As if being pregnant wasn’t exhausting enough! There are long waits for appointments, and once you get in there, there isn’t much one-on-one time with just you and the provider to take into account all of the information about your pregnancy difficulties.
The truth is, some medical professionals can miss important clues that allow them to treat each unique body, history, and type of issue the way you need it most.
That is why our first step is to have an open conversation with you and give you enough time to tell us your story.
We know the importance of having personal time for personal issues.
That way we get a deep understanding of what’s going on, not just with your problem areas, but with your whole body and how it’s impacting your life.
Come Up With A Treatment Plan Together
Many times, our patients have exhausted all of their treatment options without success before coming to see us.
That’s why we encourage you to share your history with us, along with any past treatments you’ve tried, so we can come up with the most efficient plan to get you back to your confident, radiant self.
You know your body and your future baby the best, and you know what has worked and what hasn’t worked for you in the past.
That’s why we collaborate with you and bring our expertise to the table to create a plan to get you better and live with less pain and discomfort.
Get Back To Being Confident In Yourself And Your Body
Once we have a customized treatment plan, you’ll be on your way to achieving freedom from your pregnancy difficulties.
Before you know it…
You’ll Feel Confident In Yourself And Your Body
…and be able to enjoy the vibrant, worry-free life you deserve.
Reach out to Magic City’s highly trained pelvic floor physical therapists today to begin your journey of healing.
Finally, Get The Help You Need During Your Pregnancy, And Don’t Feel Like You Have To Deal With It Alone!
You don’t have to sacrifice the birth you’ve dreamed of over problems that can be fixed.
Let’s chat about how you can feel like yourself again, during and after your pregnancy.