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Are you experiencing unwanted Male Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in the Birmingham, Alabama area?

A personal message from the Pelvic Floor Therapists at Magic City Physical Therapy:
We understand you are experiencing unwanted symptoms limiting your favorite activities. We are here to guide you throughout your healing journey as safely and comfortably as possible.

Signs and Symptoms of Male Pelvic Floor Dysfunction:

  • Urinary urgency and/or frequency
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Weak urine stream
  • Incomplete Bladder Emptying
  • Difficulty Eliminating Stool
  • Fecal Incontinence
  • Genital Pain
  • Pain in the groin, tailbone, hip, or low back
  • Core weakness and/or abdominal muscle separation
  • Erectile Dysfunction

What does treatment look like for Male Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

Treatment starts with an evaluation where we have a conversation about the symptoms you are experiencing. We ask questions about your bladder, bowels, lifestyle, and diet. We take into consideration your medical history, surgical history, and much more.

We then start with an examination of the structures outside the pelvic floor, and we take the whole body into consideration. We are trained to be able to assess if anything outside of the pelvic floor can be contributing to your pelvic floor dysfunction. We look at muscles, movement patterns, posture, nerve involvement, amongst other things.

Following an external examination, we look at the pelvic floor muscles. This means your therapist will use a gloved finger to assess the elvic floor muscles both externally and internally. We are assessing to see how well the muscles contract, relax, and lengthen. We are evaluating muscle strength, tension, and coordination. 

At the conclusion of the evaluation, your therapist will put everything together. You and your therapist will come up with a plan on how to get back to meaningful activities for you. Treatment typically consists of manual therapy, specific exercise, education and lifestyle modification.